The varicella vaccine at 12-15 months will no longer be subsidized in Madrid from next year

A few days ago we were wondering where the chickenpox vaccine is, since it is disappearing from pharmacies to the point that there are parents who no longer find it, making it impossible to acquire it to be administered privately.

In Madrid it was being administered in two doses, one towards 12-15 months and another towards 2-3 years, the first dose being subsidized. Well, it was over what was given, as a while ago when they removed the Prevenar 13, since it has been decided that from next year the chickenpox vaccine for social security will cease to be administered to children, remaining only for those who are 12 years old.

As in the rest of Spain

In the rest of the communities in Spain, by removing Navarra and Ceuta and Melilla, which do so just like Madrid, the chickenpox vaccine is only subsidized for those children who are 12 years old and have not passed the disease, that is, by 10 % of children of that age, since it is estimated that the remaining 90% will have passed the disease.

Well, Madrid wants to be like the rest, by communicating that whoever wants to give the vaccine to their children before age 12 will have to pay for it. This is obviously impossible, since they offer a solution that cannot be given, when the vaccine is not found in pharmacies.

At age 12, to avoid having a great time

There are many people happy that the vaccine has been withdrawn from pharmacies because it seems that this benefits children, since it is said that one of the reasons for the blockage is that chickenpox normally runs mildly in childhood and leaves protection for the rest of life, when the vaccine offers doubtful protection, a vaccinated adult may suffer from chickenpox even having been vaccinated as a child. Well, then I don't quite understand why it is given at age 12, if it is still better to pass chickenpox as a teenager than as an adult, and if the risk of reaching adulthood without protection is the same.

I still think that the chickenpox vaccine is a benefit for children and adults who get it, as it protects them from suffering from a disease that It is usually benign, but in some cases it gets complicated (and sometimes in what way), and rebound a benefit for adults who have not passed or have not been vaccinated (or who have been vaccinated), because more vaccinated people, less risk of catching the disease has the other people

In addition, in the future, if necessary, new doses can be given that increase protection, as has been done so far with tetanus (one dose every 10 years, until the guidelines changed and now they are administered much less) or as It is being done with the rubella vaccine, which is now getting to many adult women who want to get pregnant, because it has been seen that the childhood vaccine does not protect them today.

Unsolved Mysteries

Do not pay much attention to me, that I have little detective and when I start looking for shadows I usually end up missing, but it gives me the feeling that the vaccine block is nothing more than a smoke screen so that the non-subsidy of the Vaccine from next year does not cause many complaints. Something like "look, we stop subsidizing it for all children because of course, if AEMPS says it was being abused at the private level, the same thing happens at the public level ... there is no reason to vaccinate all children, especially when the second dose cannot be bought. "

As the decision to withdraw the Prevenar was poorly received by the population, the decision to withdraw a second vaccine could generate the same rejection, being another sign that the health of the people matters very little to our rulers. However, thanks to the fact that now nobody can buy the vaccine, the decision to withdraw it is much easier and will generate much less controversy.

Let's see if with the help of the League for Vaccination Freedom ...

Faced with this situation in which the citizens of Madrid will be deprived of the first dose of the vaccine, and after withdrawing the possibility of buying it privately, the parents are left unattended, without the freedom to choose whether to put it on or not to put it on our children . Therefore I advocate for the League for Vaccination Freedom, to see if with your support and help you can intercede, together with the scientific societies that have already done so (AEP, AEV, SEMPSPH) for all parents who would like to be able to decide freely whether or not to vaccinate our children with chickenpox.

At the moment I have not seen on their website that they have taken any action and that is why I mention them, because there where the freedom of the parents is restricted, they can put their grain of sand.

Video: Facts about the Measles MMR Vaccine. UCLA Health (July 2024).