This father has tattooed his body with drawings of his son since he was four

If you are one of those parents who keeps each and every one of your son's works of art, which you keep from their first lines, to those houses with several chimneys and your house looks like a modern art gallery, you may want to know that there is a level more, because we have found a Father has tattooed his body with drawings of his son since he was four years old.

Yes, you read it correctly, we are talking about tattoos and those that are not erased with magic sponges.

His name is Keith Anderson, from Peterborough, Ontario and every year, since his son had four tattoos one of the drawings that his son makes for him. Incredible true?

No one can deny that it is not an original project and a great point of union between father and son. When Keith was asked how long he intended to continue getting tattoos, he replied that until his son stopped drawing pictures.

What will happen when you run out of space? Well, I will tell my son to make the smallest drawings. Keith replied.

In one of his last tattoos it was his own son who has tattooed part of his work. Don't tell me that is not to have confidence in the young man.

Video: MOTHER TATTOOS HER KIDS! (July 2024).