366 breastfeeding stories

Today I present a beautiful project that started the Association Kisses and Arms: collect 366 breastfeeding stories, so that there is not a day left without its history (even if it is a leap year).

The compilation is made of the stories that anyone interested in collaborating sends them to their email ([email protected]) and they publish them in the blog that bears the title 366 breastfeeding stories.

The Besos y Brazos Association is located in Navalcarnero, Madrid, and carries out many activities to promote breastfeeding and respectful parenting, such as a Conference Cycle that begins on May 19 and will feature Adolfo Gomez Papí, Rosa Jové , Yolanda González and David Plá.

When a mother starts breastfeeding, she may be worried and afraid that, having no previous experiences with other women who breastfeed and without a circle of breastfeeding friends, it can be difficult for her to face alone.

Knowing firsthand the experience of other mothers can be very helpful and that is why I think this initiative called 366 breastfeeding stories It deserves applause and I encourage you to collaborate with it.

Official site | 366 breastfeeding stories In Babies and more | "The dedication to raising my son is offering me a lot on a personal level." Interview with Jose Ernesto Juan, founder of the Besos y Brazos Association

Video: human breastmilk story Day366 Wilson Baby SPECIAL LIVE UPDATE On His 1ST BIRTHDAY! (July 2024).