What will the baby be like ... with 80 years?

We all imagine them before birth, we wonder if they will have their eyes as a dad or as a mom, how they will have the skin tone, what will be the color of their hair ... Many applications venture to tell us what the baby will be like, but now they have designed a method that tells us what our son will be like when he grows up and up to 80 years old.

It is a software developed by researchers at the University of Washington and that needs a single photo of the baby or child (from zero years) for automatic age progression. So that the results were plausible (and did not offer the face of an aging baby), thousands of photos appeared on the internet that showed personages at different ages.

A large database that allowed researchers to create algorithms for each part of the face, according to genders and different ages.

Thus, checking what were the common aspects of aging by age groups, they developed this method that gives realistic results in the progression of children's faces, modeling skin texture, expression, hair color ...

The results can be seen through a succession of photographs for decades but also through time-lapse videos that offer that evolution up to 80 years (here you have the sample on YouTube).

Given that we most likely do not know our children with that age (because we are no longer there, or literally do not recognize them) is a curious system. But honestly, I would not love to know how I will be in a few decades! Let's leave room for imagination ... and time.

We will be attentive in case this method is popularized and we can do some odd test. Because I do not know if useful, but curious is power know how our children will be as they grow and age... and we hope to check it on the spot!

Video: Shocking Face Of Newborn Baby Who Looks 80-years-old (July 2024).