Digestive discomfort during pregnancy, did you suffer any?

Heavy digestions, foods we hate, constipation, acidity ... Some of the main discomforts during pregnancy have to do with the digestive system, and rare is the case in which the woman gets rid of any of them.

Let's see what are the main digestive discomforts during pregnancy and also how to prevent them, although some may be inevitable. Hopefully in your case go unnoticed ...

Dislike for some foods

Food preferences of pregnant women It often undergoes alterations and while cravings are not annoying (especially if they are healthy), the opposite phenomenon, aversion, can arise.

Only the smell of some foods can be repulsive (and not just food) and cause nausea. The smell of the pregnant woman develops and also the taste, due to the hormonal disorder: the pregnant woman may find some unpleasant foods, foods that she liked before.

These aversions are not harmful if they do not interfere with a healthy and balanced diet. Consult the gynecologist if you think you are missing an important nutrient due to some aversion and do not stop taking the vitamin supplements that you recommend.

Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy

In relation to the previous point we have the phenomenon of vomiting and nausea, very common in pregnant women. A smell, a taste, can cause nausea or desire to return, even vomiting. Many pregnant women are sensitized to certain odors or flavors and even without having that "external" effect, metabolic changes may cause vomiting.

Some women only last the first trimester, others will start later and some people do not get rid of nausea or vomiting throughout pregnancy. They are really unpleasant and can cause great discomfort in women, but remember that there are some tips to mitigate nausea:

  • Make light meals, frequent and without excess.
  • Try to follow some times at mealtime.
  • Choose healthy snacks.
  • Keep on hand those foods that seem to mitigate nausea (usually carbohydrates, cookies, toast ...).
  • Avoid acids, especially on an empty stomach, as well as coffee or tea.
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Avoid breaths or stews that cause you discomfort or cannot tolerate.

Alone if solid foods are not well tolerated (any solid food) and hyperemesis gravidarum occurs (constant nausea and vomiting) you have to take some measure, consult the gynecologist if the nausea does not allow you to lead a normal life rhythm or you are losing weight.

Heartburn, burning or heartburn

Heartburn during pregnancy is very common and can occur due to gastric alterations and excess food. Therefore, many of the tips to avoid nausea will also be useful if you do not want to have burning during pregnancy.

Heartburn occurs because gastric juices rise through the esophagus, which for many women can mean the onset of vomiting. Keep these tips in mind to relieve heartburn during pregnancy:

  • Try not to eat copious meals and fragment the diet into several meals a day.
  • Eat slowly, chewing the food well to facilitate digestion.
  • Do not take very fatty, acidic, spicy or spicy foods.
  • Do not lie down immediately after lunch or dinner, let a couple of hours pass after eating food.
  • Wear comfortable clothes that do not squeeze the belly.

Indigestion during pregnancy

The term "indigestion" includes varied phenomena, including the acidity to which we have just referred. Slow and heavy digestions, which produce excessive gases ... are also considered indigestion. To avoid this unpleasant discomfort, we refer you to the advice we have just given on acidity, along with these others:

  • Avoid excessive weight gain throughout pregnancy.
  • Take less amount at meals but more times a day.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks.

Constipation during pregnancy

One of the most frequent discomforts during pregnancy is constipation, difficulties in going to the bathroom, caused by hormonal changes and the pressure that the fetus exerts on the intestines (which is why it is more frequent during the third trimester).

Some tips to prevent constipation during pregnancy and facilitate intestinal transit are:

  • Drink plenty of fluids, especially water. Warm fasting drinks favor bowel movement, although many women will find it unpleasant.
  • Eat foods high in fiber (and that you tolerate well) such as fruits and vegetables. Kiwis, plums ... are very rich in fiber.
  • On the contrary, avoid astringent foods such as quince, grapefruit, banana ...
  • Eat foods with whole grains (and not refined) because they have a higher fiber content.
  • Use raw olive oil in salads, snacks ...
  • Eat slowly, chewing food well, trying to be regular at meal times, so we can also regulate the time to go to the bathroom.
  • Exercise regularly, from the beginning of pregnancy, since among the many benefits of physical activity is the best intestinal transit.

If constipation causes you great discomfort, is very durable or produces hemorrhoids, consult the gynecologist, maybe I can recommend some appropriate laxative.

Anyway, you see that digestive discomfort during pregnancy is varied and frequent, although we can try to prevent them. How many of these discomforts did you suffer? Were you lucky and the digestion gave you no problems?

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In Babies and more | Heavy digestions during pregnancy? Tips to prevent them, Discomfort in pregnancy: natural solutions for nausea, heartburn, constipation, back pain and stress

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