The last discussion on the net: infertile vs fertile women

Now that it seemed that the debate between tit and bottle was calming down and the parties had reached a certain understanding and mutual respect a new point of discussion arises. And if life is not complicated enough, if motherhood does not require the full strength of a woman, even an entire tribe, we complicate the existence with what I personally believe is a confrontation that will not reach Nowhere.

"Rabbits", that seems to be the term used in some infertility blogs to refer to those other women who can have children. The stir has come from the use that some women give or have given the floor and how others have taken such a designation from the former. I understand that part of the stir is due to the rarity of all this, since I suppose it should not be very common for someone with children to visit blogs that talk about the impossibility of having them and vice versa. And I say I guess, because I don't understand very well This last discussion on the net: infertile vs. fertile women.

"Doe", is a term that has always been used, at least in my house. Of course, he was referring to those women whose children were counted in pairs or half a dozen and my grandmother used to say it, which was the odd one in the family for having only two children when the average was in a basketball team.

Those referred to by such an unfortunate linguistic term affirm that their opponents use the term to refer to them in a negative, mocking and devoid of any lack of consideration. The first, some, defend themselves by saying that they do not use it in a derogatory way but as a domestic nickname, some even, after all this stir has decided not to use it again, which in my way of seeing it honors them.

However, I think using that term to describe an equal, because women are both, I find it very unfortunate and if they hurry me, even in bad taste. I think that there are many pressures on the female sex regardless of their ability to reproduce so that stones are thrown between them. If you allow me the expression, I would say that between firefighters better not to step on the hose.

But the problem has not remained there, -if it had been that way, I would describe it as a schoolyard discussion-, but in deepening this type of network it seems that there is a certain iniquity, a certain contempt for the lives of mothers, although Perhaps it focuses more on those who complain about their motherhood. I am going to confess that there are certain future mothers and some budding mothers who, on hearing them, want one to send them for a walk (or further).

But like me, I cannot even imagine the inner world, the feelings, the day-to-day life of those women who want to be mothers and cannot because their body cannot conceive of their own offspring, nor would I venture to criticize a mother who exposes with more or less vehemence his despair for the happy fact, but terribly tired, anguished, fragile and full of insecurities that means being a mother (or father, as is my case).

I want to understand that from the point of view of the one who longs for, seeing some situations and scenes that we mount the parents can be hard to believe, even to put your hands to the head and release a couple of voices, I recognize it, we can reach some difficult to understand by those who do not have children, sometimes I do not understand some reactions of some parents. But like everything else, you have to see it in context, put yourself in a situation, in the skin of the other and look for a point of union.

Maybe we too, the parents, should put ourselves in the shoes of those who cannot be and not take it as a minor problem, talk about the benefits of adoption (especially if we know what they think about that issue) or drop phrases of the kind Oh, if you want I leave mine for a weekend and you will see! Environment also mea culpa in this case, because perhaps without pretending I have offended in some of my articles who has encountered this problem.

Although I think that the real problem is an excess of zeal in our lives, we may take everything to heart, it seems that we are waiting for a slip of our neighbor to altar over and release everything that we carry inside. It would not hurt to do an exam to ourselves and see perhaps the other side of things, the friendliest, the one who does not always get the worst who is not always thinking that the others want to hurt him, perhaps, I think Me, we can have a happier and quieter life.

It seems that here is another corner to file, hopefully unlike the fight between tit and bottle, this time we can get to understand each other. It may be difficult for anyone interested in all this to enter here and want to give their point of view on this matter; We will be happy to read it.

Video: Infertility in Men and Women: Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment (July 2024).