Dads and moms blogs: goodbye to the pacifier, second children, pregnancy miscarriages and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net. We have found very diverse topics that have caught our attention and that we want to share.

We start with And me with these beards!, the blog of a first-time dad where he shows us his “new condition as a father of the 21st century.” Don't miss the goodbye story of the pacifier, a hard trance for his 16-month-old daughter ... and for the whole family!

In the blog Mission: Mom ninja! its author wonders what day is it today? Is it a hormonal or simple matter to lose? Hasn't it happened to you that you lose memory with pregnancies? He tells us with humor these days.

We continue with Maternity as you can, the blog of Mama Puñetera and Papa Cascarrabias, who leave us one of their parents' advice: the imagination of children and toys, use anything to turn it into a toy and let the little ones develop that imagination without limits.

Mommy future He tells us about his imaginary pregnancy and his real pregnancy. How does it change what you thought it was going to be and the reality of pregnancy? Surely you see yourself reflected in many of the issues he comments.

In As I think about it its author tells us that "Being a mother teaches you many things, the children surprise you every day, and many of these experiences ... worth commenting on!". As his reflections with the arrival of a second child: Amending with one and the other.

In Cruz and Laura's blog, Between mothersThey also tell us about a second child and specifically Laura lists the first part of the ten mistakes she hopes she won't make with her second daughter again.

My little star, "Pregnant of what they call a rainbow baby ..." He speaks to us these days of combating nausea and discomfort, since in his pregnancy he is suffering from these symptoms and he tells us a remedy that seems to have helped him to improve a little.

In the blog Go for the baby We have that Carmen has already made a hole for maternity clothes in the closet, although we do not always look great with certain garments when the belly starts to bulge ...

We end up with Little boom that take us on a family trip to Stuttgart, where they enjoyed a fun day, especially the little one in a little train that you don't want to get off…

We hope you have found interesting the review we have done for moms and dads blogs. And we remind you that if you have a blog where you talk about your experience as fathers or mothers and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.