Should the number of school days be extended?

CONCAPA (Catholic Confederation of Parents and Parents of Students) has prepared a study that has just been presented on certain aspects of education that they believe should change to improve student performance. In that we agree, there are many things to improve, many.

One of the conclusions presented in the report is that most Spaniards believe that schools they should extend the number of school days for students who need to improve their performance. Do you think it is necessary? Is that the solution?

The study data

  • Almost seven out of ten (69.3%) of respondents believe that the Autonomous Communities or educational centers should be able to prolong the number of school days, if they consider it necessary to improve student performance.

  • Almost nine out of ten respondents (85.2%) agree that in schools, once the compulsory school day has ended, classes should be established to be able to help students who need it study.

  • More than four out of ten (42.9%) of the students who do non-university studies attend private classes once they finish classes at the school. Families pay an average of 67 euros per child in private lessons. That is why many parents believe that these classes should be given at the center if the child needs them, and not run on the parents' account.

  • Almost nine out of ten respondents totally agree that the school your children are taught study techniques and just over six out of ten (61.1%) consider that the number of hours they study is adequate.

  • More than half (52.6%) of respondents fully agree that schools should plan sports and leisure activities during the month of July to facilitate the reconciliation of families.

  • Four out of ten students (40.2%), according to their families, they always study on weekends and almost two out of three students (64.9%) study often on weekends.

More school days or more quality?

Many parents would find it great to increase school days, and even for schools to offer activities during the month of July. But is that a real solution? I do not say no, since there are many parents who have no one to leave their children with and cannot afford a summer colony. But the real solution, I think, does not happen because children spend more hours or more days at school, but to offer real work conciliation measures so that parents can organize better during the summer months to be with their children (telecommuting, reduced working hours, daycare centers, etc.)

As for increasing school days for children who need improvement, the question is Quantity or quality? Should we increase the number of school days or improve the performance of these children within the school calendar?

The number of school days in Spain does not differ too much from other European countries, although it is one of those with the longest summer rest period due to the weather. In other countries such as France, summer vacations are shorter but have more autumn holidays and Carnival. For example, in Finland, a model country in education, primary school hours total 608 while in Spain, 875.

With these examples, I believe that what is needed in Spain is to change the educational model and conciliation policies instead of increasing the hours or days that children spend in school.

What would you like to prolong the number of school days? Do you think it is necessary? Do you think it's ok?

Video: Should School Days be Extended? (May 2024).