The skin has memory: tips to prevent skin cancer in babies and children

80% of sun damage occurs before the age of 18. With this statement, it is essential to be very aware of the importance of protecting children from the sun to prevent skin cancer.

Children's skin is very sensitive to exposure to sunlight, increasing the possibility of generating skin cancer in the future. Never better said that the skin has memoryso let's remember some tips to prevent skin cancer in babies and children.

Melanoma is the most frequent skin cancer among children, adolescents and young people, and it is quite common if we compare it with the incidence data of other types of cancer.

But we should not see the sun as an enemy, in fact it is very beneficial for the growth of children by synthesizing vitamin D, essential for bones and the immune system, as well as for the prevention of many types of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. The key is in expose yourself to the sun with responsibility.

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Tips to prevent skin cancer in babies and children

  • Use a cream with adequate protection factor. To choose a type of photoprotector you have to take into account a series of factors such as who is it aimed at and the phototype, which is determined by the characteristics of the pigmentation of the skin, eyes, hair, and the ability to acquire a tan . In children, the photoprotector must be high (more than 30 SFP). Today there are formats for all tastes (cream, spray, lotion, mousse, etc.)

  • A good application. The cream will not be effective if we apply it badly. You have to take a good amount before sun exposure and repeat every two hours. Be sure to put in places that are often forgotten such as ears, insteps, neck, etc.

  • The babies under six months They need special care. Should we put sunscreen? Try to avoid them since your skin is very delicate, but to use choose creams with physical filters and without PABA.

  • In addition to the cream protectors, we must protect them from the sun by other means. Use sunglasses, caps, hats and clothing to avoid sun damage. Look for the shade of a tree or an umbrella when the sun is setting.

  • Avoid exposure to the sun in the central hours of the day, between 12 and 16 hours.

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