Do you think public health should finance home delivery? the question of the week

Yesterday we commented on the news that midwives ask that public health finance home delivery because they consider that women have the right to choose how and where they want to give birth.

There are those who would not choose this way of giving birth, that for whatever reason they prefer hospital care, but still we would like to know your opinion about whether you think it should be an option covered by the health system. Therefore, we ask you.

Do you think public health should finance home delivery?

You can answer the question by clicking on the link above or by entering our Answers section where the question is already available. We ask that you respond there and not in the comments of this post so that it can be read and voted on by the other readers.

Last week's question

On the occasion of the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week, last week we asked you: What urban myth do you know about breastfeeding?


The most voted answer was that of ... a father! We love that they participate. Darzee replied:

"Perfect tits." Throughout our motherhood (I am the father) I do not know how many people have told us that breastfeeding the baby spoils the breast and that "so-called or mengana", as she had perfect tits because she gave a bottle to her baby so as not to spoil them. Apparently the brain didn't use it either ...

We encourage you to participate in our question this week by leaving your opinion about the financing of home births by the National Health System. Next week we will publish the most voted response.

Video: The Economics of Healthcare: Crash Course Econ #29 (July 2024).