"The difference between educating young children and teenagers": an excellent monologue by Carles Capdevila

Children and adolescents, from the perspective of parents, give a lot of conversation, to tell many anecdotes and to laugh a little, parents, with everything that happens with them. It is not a laugh at them, but a humor through our experiences, with situations that you feel are beyond you or that you did not expect but that happen to many parents.

This is what it does Carles Capdevila, the director of the newspaper Ara and father of four children, who often speaks of paternity in writing and who did it a few weeks ago live, at the conference "Managing children", where he left us with a monologue full of humor with the topic: "The difference between educating young children and teenagers".

His presentation has already been seen by more than one million people and is running on both Facebook and WhattsApp. The key is the simplicity with which he explains everything and, above all, humor, which removes pressure from the listener, who makes you approach him and laugh at his experiences to, at the same time, laugh at yours.

Shake the little ones and control the big ones

It is not that I want to annoy you the message ... you better see it first and then read the text. Capdevila sums up his role as a father of children of different ages with a "shake the little ones and control the older ones". This means that he advocates letting the little ones be more autonomous, learn, get tools to get ahead in life and watch the older ones a little so they don't get too out of the way. Tell them what they have to do? No ... in any case tell them what they don't have to do, or rather, what you don't like them to do.

In addition, he adds the five strategies that every parent should have to educate the children: common sense, sense of ridicule, sense of duty and responsibility, moral sense and sense of humor.

I saw it a few days ago and laughed. I laughed a lot. So I recommend that you keep a little time, if not now later, and see it calmly to de-stress a little.