Seven stories to tell and dream before bedtime

There are few moments more tender in the day than when finally, lying in bed, clothed and quiet (more or less ...) we stay by his side and read a story. It is one of those moments that always remain engraved in memory, in his because we open a door to fantasy with our reading and in ours because we feel truly important in their lives. However, we read less and less stories because we have less time to do it.

We bring you seven stories to tell and dream before bedtime or when it seems best to all of us. Getting lost in the hands of our children in one of their books can be one of the most delicious destinations we have ever. Let's break this bad habit! Let's recover the moment to read a story and enjoy together this time that escapes us flying!

Recently a study was published in the United Kingdom in which it was known that Only thirteen out of every one hundred British fathers, fathers and mothers, read their children a bedtime story. How much time can we invest in this reading? Twenty? Thirty minutes? We know that it is a very special moment for them and we know, because there are not a few experts who have indicated it on numerous occasions, that it is an important moment for the education of our children.

However, and despite the fact that we know all this, our way of life, our stress, our work schedules, it is increasingly difficult for us to spend that time with our children. That reading time just before they fall asleep.

Reading them a story stimulates their intellectual development, enriches their vocabulary, arouses their curiosity, helps them acquire greater concentration, enhances their imagination, facilitates their sleep and something very important especially for us as their parents, read a story before sleep causes emotional bonds to consolidate. It would be so nice to get it right? Getting to be at home, at least when they get into bed, at least when they get ready to dream but no, it's not easy.

With the schedules we can not lend you a hand but to compensate you we propose some books to enjoy them together, maybe not at night, maybe during the weekend or the days off or the holidays. Maybe you have to find the time to get carried away by these delicacies.

"If I were older ..." by Éva Janikovczky.

It is a classic, published around the year 1965, now recovered by Silonia. Éva Janikovczky was one of the most influential authors of Hungarian literature, focusing on everyday life and relationships between children and adults, perhaps in that simplicity and everyday life resides the charm that has enchanted different generations of children since the 70s' from around the world, as it has been translated into more than twenty different languages. How unfair to be a child when you see the world with the eyes of a child! The illustrations are by László Réber one of the best known Hungarian illustrators in his country, especially for his children's illustrations. Self-taught illustrator who, curiously, learned this art in the Russian prison camp where he was held captive after World War II. You can get it on Amazon for € 14.16.

"The inclined book" by Peter Newell

Yes, and only when we see it, when we catch it, we realize that we have before us a book at least original. Although the story is a poem that slips through each of the inclined pages of this book, it is simple and fun to read, it is perfect for a nighttime reading and that the dream of our audience, of our children, starts with a smile. At home we have the Thule edition and it is a trip at the beginning of the twentieth century just to look at its cover and go through each of the illustrations that mark the book and that are of a funny tenderness. Peter Newell, the author, was born at the end of the 19th century in Illinois and it shows in his style, in his language and especially in his illustrations. He made illustration of classics and wrote different books for children as well as illustrating them too. On Amazon you find it for € 14.16.

“The dwarves of Mantua” by Gianni Rodari

Talking about Rodari are major words when it comes to children's literature. We have the Steamboat edition at home and we have read the history of these dwarves several times. My children grow up and yet they continue to learn from this story, it is not in vain that ours is the fourteenth edition and dates from 2002, as of today I am not sure why the edition will be published by the publisher.

Rodari has been one of the renovators of children's literature without a doubt, but not only, also in teaching and education. He won numerous awards and has become one of the reference authors when we want to look for quality stories to read to our children or for them to read to us as they get older. You can find it on Amazon for only € 5.

"The daring in search of treasure" by Elsa Punset.

It never hurts to talk about emotions with our children, talk about the right to express theirs and that nothing and nobody can and should never judge them for doing so. I like to discuss some issues that can be complicated in a "subtle" way and this book for that is perfect.

The Beascoa publishing house has embarked on this project to edit the stories that Elsa Punset has invented from the need we all have, children and adults, to develop our emotional intelligence more and better, the management of our emotions. If you see that there is a problem of self-esteem at home in any of your children ... do not hesitate to rely on these "daring" and the advice that as a game are raised once the story is over. In hardcover, at Amazon you have it at € 14.21.

“You are not a lizard” by Concha López Narváez

If there were a kind of “closet bottom” of children's libraries, this would undoubtedly be part of it. It is an essential, simple but blunt book. From those books that are read and reread and understood without the need for explanation, and children can take away the learning they contain in their day to day.

Our edition is from Anaya and although it is recommended for children from the age of six, I have read it to my children with one year less and we continue reading it with another year, from time to time. Of those stories that should be remembered, even with the older ones, so that the views sometimes change only with the passage of time. You can get it on Amazon for less than € 8.

"So the earth turns" by Martine Laffon

Four huge giants go on a trip and there begins this story written by PhD in philosophy Martine Laffon and who edits Silonia with care and eagerness to engage the little ones with the delicate illustrations of Mayumi Otero.

The format is big book but thin, it is comfortable to handle and the story is so delicious that surely more than once they will ask you to tell it to try to discover the world from magic and imagination. It is a book that we (especially me but do not tell my children) has fallen in love with us. In Amazon they have it for € 17'10.

"Marie Curie" by Jordi Bayarri

One day we will have to talk to the author of this magnificent collection of comics. Yes, it is a comic about the life of Marie Curie, at home we read it in three or four nights, not because it is too long, but because my children were curious that women could not study, World War I, radioactivity . So sometimes you had to stop reading to explain some things and answer your questions. Personally it is something that I love about those nighttime readings, I don't know if it will happen to you too, if this is the collection of comics that are published thanks to crowfunding and that are spoiled to the last detail, it is perfect for your children and for you .
On paper you find it on Amazon for less than € 12

Well, it is on our side, the material is on the table, now we have to steal the watch a few minutes to give it to our children in the form of reading one of these stories.

Photos | iStockphoto
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Video: Story Before Bedtime: The Son of Seven Queens India (July 2024).