The little one is not so much: we evolve with our bedroom

Our children grow, and with them, also their rooms. And is that the needs of the little ones vary over the years. This could be a problem, because we already know that the process is faster than we imagined at first. How much money will I have to invest each year to adapt the room to your needs?

Quiet, fortunately there are endless options that will make things easy for you. Is about try to save to the maximum, looking for functional furniture that our children can use with 3 and 15 years, simply doing a few small touches.

First key, neutral colors in the decoration

Surely you love the color. Your children too. But this does not mean that you necessarily have to paint the children's room with a thousand different colors. A good one option to save is to bet on neutral environments, not only of the walls and floors, but also in regard to furniture.

It's about buying white cabinets or dressers Do not get outdated with the passage of time and paint our walls white. And the color? Very simple: you can include it later through children's textiles. Remember that textile is a very powerful tool. As a general rule, you will find endless bedspreads, cushions Y curtains at a good price that will solve the question quite a bit. This investment will be less than changing your furniture to colors that evolve with your child's personality or changing the painting of the room.

Warm floors for your children

As a general rule, the floor of children's rooms is usually similar to the rest of the house. Now, keep in mind that when children are young, they spend a lot of time on the floor playing. To cut the cold that usually rises from the tiles or the parquet, it can be interesting to bet on another economic solution: children's rugs.

These carpets can be found in different sizes, reaching cover the entire play area of your kids. Best of all, they tend not to be too expensive, so it works better than carpeting the entire floor of the room or replacing it with a warmer floor like wood.

Convertible beds to save time

It is evident that when the little ones become teenagers they need larger beds. However, you can also save on this. You can, for example, make the transition from baby bedroom to children's bedroom trying to get some convertible crib. These cribs usually have two heights, so when your child grows a little, you can lower it and move from a crib to a beautiful bed. If your problem is space, do not hesitate to find a cot with drawers, since they are quite interesting for storing baby clothes and other toiletries.

In addition, when your children grow up, you can always bet on the typical desk beds. They are quite functional and take up less space than a bed and a separate desk would occupy.

Effective solutions for the large storage of a children's room

Your children's clothes change, as do the items that are stored in your room. You can bet on wardrove conventional, yes, but if you want to avoid the child's protests when he grows up because he doesn't like it, why not opt ​​for modular systems?

A great example is STUVA, an Ikea line that allows you to add drawers and other storage structures year after year. The truth is that it is profitable, because the investment at the beginning, when the children are small, is small, being able to subsequently add pieces as they need them. Best of all, you can set up the bedroom as you want, designing it according to the needs you want to cover.

Small storage useful for all ages

The large cabinets (or modular systems, as we have seen) are a success. But the truth is that the small storage it can also become a useful option to save money. Think that from the first moment children have endless small things to store, from cream, socks, bibs ... What are we going to tell you. As they grow older, these things change, but they still need functional space to store their clothes, toys or late school notes. For this reason, small storage options work well.

Since baskets with rack, wall storage, until pocket storage for bed, all these solutions can be very useful in the children's room. Let it be your children, from small, who organize everything to your liking, collecting their toys and their most precious treasures.

The boxes are always useful

And the storage boxes They are, above all, economical. They can be a great complement for your children to save their junk. They occupy little and also in the future they can store from books to notes. It does not seem therefore a bad idea to bet on a box storage system For the children's room.

If you prefer, you can also bet on the typical trunk. They do not necessarily have to be large, being able to adapt without problems to any corner of the bedroom. In addition, there are some models that also incorporate a comfortable bench at the top, thus offering two solutions in one.

Video: 10 Most Epic Disney Movie Themed Bedrooms EVER (July 2024).