Rajang, the orangutan who loves the bellies of pregnant women

That we have a lot in common with monkeys, chimpanzees, orangutans ... is evidenced by the fact that we belong to the same hominid family, and although we can physically see more or less similarities, what impacts us is to see certain behaviors of some animals They almost put us in front of a mirror. As it happens with Rajan, the orangutan who loves the bellies of pregnant women.

And it is that the tenderness that this animal, one of the most famous primates of the Colchester Zoo (England), is evident. The orangutan shows a very special and affectionate attitude in front of the pregnant women: she gets dumbfounded through the glass, wants to caress the belly, brings her face closer and ... even kisses her!

And is that ... who does not fall before a large belly that houses inside a life about to be born? For images like this, Rajan has become one of the most beloved animals for visitors to this zoo and his videos on YouTube carry millions of visits.

We are still surprised by these attitudes so tender, so human, in animals and not for less ... In the first video the orangutan approaches, caresses and kisses the belly of a pregnant woman seven months and the author says he even saw a tear run down the face of the animal.

The second video is very similar, in this case she was 37 weeks pregnant and it seems that she wants the belly of the pregnant only for him, because he tries to approach, caress and kiss her several times and does not like her partner to put her hand on the belly.

Anyway, do not be surprised that the zoo website indicates that this animal is very interactive and empathic with all those who will see it, as these show videos where the Rajang orangutan is seen fascinated by the bellies of pregnant women, to the point of wanting to caress and kiss her belly.

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Video: Orangutan Kisses Pregnant Woman's Belly - Colchester Zoo (July 2024).