"We are destroying their childhood", we talked with the FAPA about the call for the next duty strike

It has drawn a lot of attention, there have been countless media outlets that have echoed the call for homework strike that they have done since the State Confederation of Parent Associations (CEAPA).

The reasons we wanted to explain them directly from one of the members of this Confederation, from the Federation of Student Parent Associations (FAPA) "Giner de los Ríos", we have spoken with his treasurer, Arancha Ventura and has made it clear to us that the most powerful motive has been that: "We are destroying their childhood." A reason more than enough to take action, don't you think?

It's the first time that a duty strike is declared in which parents are called and not students and according to the FAPA

“… It is because of the pressure that our sons and daughters are suffering. We are destroying their childhood, they deserve to live life in a different way. Systematically their rights are violated, where is the child's right to play or rest? ”

We complain that children spend too little time outdoors but it is that the afternoons, during the school year, are loaded with extracurriculars and school duties to do at home. There is no time for much more.

From the FAPA they know that families were waiting “A campaign about homework like this to put on the table that homework is an interference in family life.”

The school must be resolved at school.

On the FAPA they point out that they will start by sensitizing the educational community on how the educational model should be, warning of the negative consequences of the current one.

“Next, we will mobilize to defend the rights of students and the need for an integral education. With the teachers we will meet before the strike proposed for November to ensure that they do not send homework on weekends and if they do, families will have resources, such as documents, to inform them of their action against the duties. ”

For those families that support this peculiar strike, CEAPA will make available a document that can be downloaded from its website, to be delivered to teachers jointly, the same for all those parents who consider school duties to be a intrusion into family life.

From the FAPA point out that homework is part of a learning method that is not correct

“Which is based on the memorization of contents, they do not acquire knowledge because they lack time to learn and generate inequality since they influence factors such as economic resources or academic knowledge of families.”

More damages than benefits

It is not only the parents' associations that have seen that the school duties that are sent from school to do at home have more negative aspects than positive ones.

First it was the World Health Organization and then it was the UN, which recognized this reality.

In addition, Spanish children face the situation of being the ones who have the most school duties at home and at the same time the worst results in their grades according to the different studies and examinations that have been done in this regard.

The FAPA is clear that homework, homework after school “They generate inequalities, decrease the desire to learn because motivation disappears, spoil family life” and also in school, in class, children are reprimanded or punished when they are not made facts and that is something that is not legal, as we were told from the Federation of Student Parent Associations.

They are not vital, they are not essential

“… It is not mandatory to finish the books, we have a curriculum that is too broad, we must lose weight. In the end it doesn't go deep into anything and you don't have knowledge ”.

The authority in the school

CEAPA at that point is very clear that the confrontation with the school authority, with the figure of the teaching staff is not undermined by a measure like this.

“Education is much more than the school curriculum, teachers and the rest of society want to raise awareness of the negative effects of homework. You can do without them and we want in our family time to be with our sons and daughters because they ask us. ”

Before arriving at the call for a strike, a petition has been sent to teachers and educational centers requesting respect for the time of the families, in order to prevent children from being part of the conflict.

Thank you very much for your collaboration, your time and your answers to Arancha Ventura, treasurer of the FAPA "Gíner de los Ríos" who has explained to us the action and the strike of duties to which the parents of the Spanish students are summoned for the next month of November.

Photos | iStockphoto
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