The smile of a premature baby five days after birth that gives hope to hundreds of parents

The photo of a premature girl with a dazzling smile taken when she was barely five days old He is giving hope to hundreds of parents with his story. Freya Vinje was born at 34 weeks gestation when he weighed less than two kilos and after staying a month in intensive care, he managed to get ahead.

They were days of happiness for the birth of the girl, but at the same time of concern about how everything would go. With premature babies, every day that passes is a great achievement. The mother then shared the photo of her baby in the networks and obtained in response hundreds of messages of support that made her feel comforted in that difficult time they were going through when your baby is born premature and nothing is as you expected.

According to his mother at ABC News, the pregnancy was completely normal until week 28 of gestation, when he began to show signs of preeclampsia, a complication characterized by high blood pressure that must be controlled during pregnancy and disappears after delivery. If left unchecked, it can trigger premature birth, cause complications in the fetus, and even death.

Weeks later, at a visit to the doctor they noticed that the baby's heart rate was going down and they decided to practice it an emergency caesarean section on November 27, 2014. Five hours passed before the mother could see her baby for the first time and then she was admitted to intensive care for almost a month.

Five days after birth, the little girl gave her mother a smile from ear to ear She was able to capture and send her husband. A gesture that moved the girl's parents and inspired many other parents who go through similar stories.

The mother has just shared the full story of her birth in the blog 'Birth Without Fear' with which surely many parents of premature babies will feel identified.

Freya will turn two soon, she has become an older sister and She is still as cheerful as when she was born.

The smile in babies

With regard to Freya's smile, it is a good opportunity to talk about babies who smile at birth or a few days after birth.

The truth is that it is not really a smile. It is what is known as angelic smile, which responds to a reflection of the newborn. It seems that babies pose for the photo, but it is a spontaneous lip movement and reflex that the baby makes when he feels happy and relaxed.

The social smile, his first "real" smile appears from the first month of life, between the fourth and sixth week, in response to a stimulus from the father or mother.

Video: Neonatal Intensive Care for Premature Baby (July 2024).