Demand to the hospital where she gave birth and to the doctor for attending her drunk delivery and injuring the baby

During pregnancy, mothers think hundreds of times about what the birth will be like. We inform ourselves to go through that important moment as best as possible, so that it becomes an unforgettable experience and we always remember it as something wonderful, not as a nightmare.

Can you imagine being in the delivery room and notice that the doctor who attends your delivery appears barefoot and in shorts and behaves strangely? This is what happened to Alex Sims, a woman from Las Vegas when she gave birth to her daughter. Finished suing the hospital and the doctor for attending her drunk birth and injuring her baby's shoulder.

It happened in May 2015. When the mother arrived at the hospital to have her baby, she was told that her doctor was missing and that she would be assisted by the doctor on duty, Dr. DeLee.

In the delivery room, realizing that the doctor had a strange behavior they decided to turn on the camera and start recording. In the video you can see the doctor barefoot, wearing some shorts and a conversation is recorded in which he tells the nurses that I had been drinking tequila that morning.

You can also hear how he insults the mother and makes fun of her weight. She told him that she could feel everything, that the effect of the epidural was diminishing to what he said "Lower your fat butt" and "I bet you wish your doctor were here." Also remember that it smelled of alcohol.

The mother can be seen asleep during childbirth, with little reaction capacity, but who recorded the images or the nurses themselves ... How did anyone stop this situation? The mother's lawyer has said that the lawsuit also includes nurses for not having done anything to prevent it, their duty was to stop the doctor.

The specialists who watched the video say that the doctor used inappropriate techniques to remove the baby, a poorly resolved shoulder dystocia that ended in an obstetric brachial paralysis (PBO), a brachial plexus damage that occurs during childbirth and that causes The baby has a "rag arm."

Everything seems to indicate that the mother has been the victim of medical malpractice and obstetric violence, an experience that surely she and her baby should not have gone through.

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