How to get your baby to like vegetables (and more)

Vegetables are essential foods in the children's diet, but they don't always like them. The same goes for legumes or fish, which some love while others hate them. That the children eat varied and, above all, that enjoy while eating, must be one of our goals. Therefore, here are some guidelines to get children to like peas, broccoli, hake, lentils, green beans ...

Vegetables can be fun

Many times we associate eating vegetables with boring eating. Even adults And it is normal for this unconscious message to go into the smallest and end up not wanting to see them or in paint. The first thing you should do is be positive when you talk about foods you don't like. No need to praise the wonders of cauliflower daily, but talk about those foods with naturalness and from a positive point of view.

Involving children in the purchase and preparation of food is a good motivation for them to try

He way we cook Food also greatly influences the fact that it enters us by sight or not, especially in children. Boiled chard or a piece of grilled hake is a less appetizing dish than a chard tortilla and hake croquettes. Cast imagination (Internet is an inexhaustible source of ideas) and search new recipes with those dishes that, until now, your kids didn't want. You have to think of new ways to cook food to make them tastier and more attractive.

When serving them, try not to offer them at the same meal two foods they hate. On the contrary, we recommend serve them with your favorite dishes, dressed as they like. For example, you can prepare some macaroni with vegetables and natural tomato sauce, some chickpea burgers, a spinach and sweet ham quiche, cod dumplings, breaded cauliflower, vegetables in tempura ... The goal is not to hide them, but yes combine them and make a healthy and irresistible menu For any palate.

I know them, I try them

Being familiar with the foods found on the table is another step that helps you be interested in trying them. How to do it? Involving the kids in the process. The first step may be to accompany you to Go shopping and even help you choose which ingredients to choose thinking about which dish you will prepare. One of the maxims of healthy eating is: more market, less supermarket, since it is the way to buy fresh food and avoid processed products. So, prepare the shopping list and market with the kids!

At home you can prepare together the food you bought Children, since they were very young, are wishing to be more autonomous And they can do it by helping us in the kitchen. Washing fruits and vegetables, mixing food, kneading, stirring or shaping croquettes are just some of the things you can do to help us.

Participating in the family menu process, children are associating, without realizing it, the foods that they don't like a priori with Funny activities, how to make the purchase with mom and dad and prepare food and cook them. When that dish is found, which has been prepared with your help, on the table, can you resist trying it?

Good practices at the table

For your little ones to eat vegetables, vegetables and fish you must lead by example and eat them too. It may seem obvious, but it is not usually very successful to serve broccoli with potatoes for them if you eat a pizza.

Eating all together, in a relaxed environment, is very beneficial

If they see you eat healthy foods regularly, will be interested in them and want to try them. For this to happen it is important that you sit together at the table, whenever possible. Enjoying a family time while you eat is something that your little ones will appreciate and contribute to their interest in those foods that they don't like very much.

For mealtime to be a success, you have to try to be as comfortable as possible but have the food at your fingertips. To do this, Chicco has a high chair with a wide and comfortable backrest, adjustable and reclining. The Pocket Meal highchair folds easily and is very convenient to transport, so it is ideal to eat at the home of friends and family.

Another good practice at lunchtime is to have a relaxed and stress-free attitude. Even if they don't eat. Making meals a confrontation will not change the fact that they do not want to eat those particular foods, on the contrary, they can end up taking mania to a plate. If you offer them quality food, you should not worry about the amount they eat. Some children, as with adults, are more eaters and others less. But the children are able to regulate the amount of food they eat.

There are many strategies of home marketing to get the kids eat vegetables. With patience, imagination and will many of those foods that now do not want to eat will eventually become part of their diet.

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Photos | iStock: gpointstudio / monkeybusinessimages / zest_marina

Video: Tips for parents of picky eaters (July 2024).