Janet Jackson, first-time mother at 50, too late?

The fifty years of today are not the same as they were fifty decades ago. It was a more proper age to be a grandmother than to be a mother, but the truth is that the maternal age has been delayed in recent decades so it does not seem so rare to know cases such as Janet Jackson who has just been the mother of a child for the first time at fifty.

In an age in which some women have children "already raised", others give birth to their first offspring, while some talk about menopause, others of bottles and diapers, while some live their golden age, others become mother by first time. This is how motherhood is today. Everything is possible.

The singer gave birth yesterday to the son she had with the Qatari billionaire Wissam al Mana, whom they have called Eissa Al Mana, although it was not revealed if she was born by caesarean section or natural birth. The only thing that has transpired is that "childbirth has developed without stress and in a healthy way, and Janet is resting," as they have announced to the press.

Too late?

It is very difficult to judge whether it is too late or not, nor should it. Each situation is personal and everyone makes their life plans as they see fit, according to what they feel or want at that time. Maybe at 30 he didn't have the opportunity, or he didn't think about it and at 49 it was when Janet got pregnant considered that it was time.

The chances of conceiving past 38 years decrease to three percent, therefore, although it has not revealed, must have needed medical help to achieve pregnancy. Assisted reproduction is a great ally of women who want to be a mother past the barrier of 40 and even 50, when the biological clock has already stopped.

The risks are high, and although many speak of selfishness when bringing a child into the world With which you will foreseeably share a few years of life, for many women, living a late motherhood is a renewed opportunity that has given them life. In addition to the recent benefits that are attributed to her, being mothers after 35 improves the mental abilities of women.

Other celebrities who have been parents after 50

Nowadays being parents after 50 is increasingly common, and nobody is surprised so much, especially when they are the ones who spent half a century. Among celebrities it is common that they have children at advanced ages. We find characters like Donald Trump, Paul McCartney, Robert de Niro or the king of rock, Mick Jagger, who was a father at 73.

Between them, the Queen of pop She has now become one of the celebrities in being a mother at an older age, marking a trend that we will surely begin to see more frequently.

Video: Age and Fertility: Pregnancy after 40 (July 2024).