Italy imposes mandatory vaccination for admission to nursery schools and nurseries

Italy has proposed to close the fence to the anti-vaccine parents with a decree-law with urgent measures that imposes mandatory vaccination for admission to nursery schools and nurseries.

Starting in the 2017-2018 academic year, children must comply with the vaccination schedule up to date, otherwise, if the children are under six, they will be prevented from entering kindergarten or nursery school, and if they exceed that age, fines will be imposed on parents ranging between 500 and 7,500 euros. Even the possibility of loss of custody of minors in the most serious cases is contemplated.

There are 12 vaccines that must be insured between zero and six years (polio, diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis B, whooping cough, Haemophilus influenzae type b, meningococcus B, meningococcus C, measles, rubella, mumps and chickenpox).

Measles, mumps, rubella and chicken pox, which until now were only recommended, will be mandatory and will be applied between 13 and 15 months. Between both vaccinations the application of the two corresponding to meningitis will be carried out.

The measles problem in Italy

One of the reasons for the obligation is related to the alarming increase in measles cases not seen for decades. So far this year 2395 cases have been registered compared to 840 in 2016 and 250 in 2015, 89% of them not vaccinated.

Only between Italy and Romania make up 48% of the total number of cases registered in the entire European continent, according to the World Health Organization.

Compulsory vaccination, yes or no?

In Australia this measure is already underway and in Barcelona the possibility of imitating it is being assessed, but Italy has taken the step by joining European countries that imposes mandatory vaccination, in total 14 (Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, France, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Hungary).

Although in Spain it is recommended to comply with the vaccination schedule recommended by the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, whose novelties are updated annually, the obligatory nature is not imposed; It is a decision of the parents.

The debate is served. Should the other countries follow the example of Italy? Admission to nursery school or nursery school is a key moment because of the risk that children have of being infected by other children, and at the same time being infected. That is why we believe there are good reasons why it should be mandatory for children to be vaccinated when starting daycare.

Video: Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels - full audiobook - HQ - Subtitles (July 2024).