She becomes pregnant with triplets and thinks she will be 27 months pregnant

One of the most important things when having a baby is to have a minimum of knowledge and training, not only for when you are a mother and father, but in life in general, because what you know your child will learn. Sex educationFor example, to understand the processes that all people live, the changes in puberty, to know our sexuality, reproduction and risks when maintaining relationships with other people, and even to know how a baby is born and how it is born.

That minimum that allows you to explain on social networks what will happen, what you feel, how you live it, and receive the support of those who follow you, for example. And from time to time you read things that leave you surprised, and make you suffer more for the baby (in this case babies) than for the person who writes it. I speak of a woman, pregnant with triplets, who said that what was going to be worse was being pregnant for 27 months.

And it doesn't allow to be corrected

When you make such a clamorous mistake (9 months for three babies is 27 months) the logical thing is that someone tries to get you out of your mistake and tell you that you are wrong, that you take it into account because you are going to do the calculations to give birth two years and three months later, and it is likely that before 9 months you are in labor. Don't confuse it with cramps or tummy aches, come on.

Well, as we read in NetNoticias and see in the capture, a friend asked her if it would not be a nine-month pregnancy, to which she replied:

No fool, 9 for every baby! Hahaha you don't know anything and that you're a woman

Why it is important to talk with your children about these things

We do not know how the conversation continued. I am Jimena, and I tell her that she is right, that I apologize, and the day will come when someone will explain that a pregnancy of more than two years does not make sense. Or you will find it.

But in any case, as I say, this makes clear the need for parents talk to our children about these issues. Yes, that is a very extreme case, but we have the feeling that now, with so much information available, children are better educated than ever on these issues and it is not entirely true. There are children who do have a lot of information, but there are some that have an important mental cocoa.

That is why as parents we must talk about it openly, allow them to ask us and offer us if the issue arises to answer questions. Not only to avoid that one day they will screw up on the networks, but so that they know what they are doing, the responsibility of being mature at the sexual level, and that when they are parents too, they can explain to their children things like They are, and not as they think they are.

Video: High-Risk Pregnancy for Mother with Triplets (July 2024).