The "terrible two years" were not so terrible really

I know that by reading the title of this post some parents will agree with me and others will say "how good they are left behind." The truth is that those who already live the famous "terrible two" know that it is not usually an easy stage.

However, I think it's time we stopped calling them that. Now that my daughter is two days old, I want to tell you why the terrible two years turned out not to be as terrible as I thought.

Why do they have such a terrible reputation?

If you are a safe mother or father at some time in your life, you have heard about them. There are those who believe that it is only an exaggeration to call them terrible, while others say that it has been the worst stage in the lives of their children. But why does this happen at that particular age?

Why the two years mark a before and after in the lives of our children. It is the age at which they realize for the first time in their short lives, that they are independent beings of mom and dad.

They no longer need us as much as before and they conclude that they are able to choose for themselves what they can or cannot do. At this age many already eat alone, can dress without help and something they love appears and they begin to test: the power to make decisions.

And it is precisely the discovery of that capacity that mainly makes the two years obtain that fame of terrible. Before the decision was in the hands of mom and dad. Now they go through a stage of rebellion in which they begin to experience their independence to do things or not. The fearsome "no" also appears, which sometimes seems the only word they know.

With the presence of pranks and tantrums, undoubtedly the two years test our patience as parents, but there are also positive things at this stage.

How are they really

As I have commented on previous occasions, I am the mother of a two-year-old girl, who will only turn three in just a couple of days. I must be honest: the two years were not rosy. But they were definitely not as terrible as they made me see all those headlines where they warned us about them.

Of course this is my experience and each mother, father and child will live their two years in a unique and special way. But for me, the terrible two years turned out to be more wonderful than terrible.

Actually, the two years have been a stage of growth for everyone at home. I include dad because he has been 100% involved in Lucia's care and upbringing. The three of us have learned great things from each other in this last year.

On our side, we learned to be more patient and now have a voice of their own, taking into account their opinions and decisions. That not every day will be in the mood, but when we are all in tune we can have the best day in the world.

She learned that her opinion counts and is heard by her parents. He learned to experiment and at the same time he could know that there are also limits. I like to think that we have helped her identify her emotions by talking to her and hugging her when she feels frustrated or angry.

Let's keep the good of each stage

In motherhood there will always be good days and bad days. But it is up to us to choose which ones we stay with. I have discovered that our maternal experience will depend largely on our attitude. Each stage has its good things and its bad things.

When they are newborns we hardly sleep, but we are fortunate to see and carry every day a tiny and amazing human being. When they are one year old, they may not let us do many things and cry when they separate from us, but we know what pure and sincere love is. When they are two years old, tantrums appear, but we also have more kisses, more hugs and probably a "I love you".

Let's choose to keep the good always, and so we can realize, that in reality no stage is as terrible as you think.

How did you live the two years of your children?

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Yes, there are good things in the terrible two years, 11 positive things in the terrible two years

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