Children who eat fish are smarter and sleep better, according to a new study

Fish is one of the foods that brings many benefits and that we can introduce to the diet of our children using different and delicious recipes. Now a new study shows us that we have more reasons to do so, because it was found that children who eat fish are smarter and sleep better.

The omega 3 fatty acids found in fish are reputed to provide multiple benefits for those who consume them. Now we add a few more to the list, because according to the results of this study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania and published in Scientific Reports, Children who eat fish at least once a week have an increase in their intelligence levels and also improve the quality of their sleep.

To reach this conclusion, the participation of 541 boys and girls between 9 and 12 years old in China. They reported how often they consumed fish in the last month, and that it was divided into three options: frequently (at least once a week), occasionally (two to three times a month) and rarely or never (less twice a month).

Children from 9 to 11 years old were taken into account for the study of sleep quality, while those of 12 years of age for intelligence tests. The latter were tested for IQ, which analyzed their verbal and nonverbal skills, such as vocabulary. The parents of the first group were asked to fill out a questionnaire about their children's sleeping habits.

It was found that frequent consumption of fish it was related in both groups with better sleep quality and higher IQ. These results are another sign that fish should be included as a staple in the diet of children and adolescents.

The researchers clarify that further research is needed to continue exploring the way in which fatty acids contribute of omega-3 in the improvement of neuronal development and cognitive function.