The worst nightmare for parents: everyone turns to look for Gabriel, the missing eight-year-old boy

We all have a heart in a fist with the case of Gabriel Cruz Ramírez, the eight-year-old boy disappeared Tuesday in Níjar. The little boy disappeared in the Nigerian district of Las Hortichuelas Bajas, specifically in the area of ​​Cortijo La Molina, when he left the house of his paternal grandmother to go to visit his cousins, a journey of just 100 meters that he often did.

Two days have passed since his disappearance and both security forces and anonymous citizens are focused on the search for the child collaborating in what can. From the dissemination of his photo on social networks to the hundreds of volunteers who track on foot the area near where he was last seen. The citizen solidarity is awesome when an event moves so much.

He was dressed in black Adidas pants with white stripes and a red jacket with a hood, and nobody explains how it is possible that in such a short journey, that he "does it running and in 30 seconds" as the mother has said, he has lost track.

He missed the trail around three in the afternoon, but the parents just noticed his absence at six, when they saw that he had never reached his cousins' house I was going to play. On the same Tuesday, after making the complaint of the disappearance in the Civil Guard, the family began to look for the child, and they joined him more than a hundred relatives, neighbors and volunteers.

This is Gabriel, a #manor who has #disappeared in Níjar # Almería
If you see it call us
Collaborate, your RT costs nothing and it is very important

- Civil Guard (@guardiacivil) February 28, 2018

More than 400 people, among agents of the Civil Guard, Local Police and Civil Protection of Níjar, as well as neighbors and volunteers, looked for Gabriel without rest yesterday from sun to sun. Today the beats resumed throughout the day while the light allowed.

The helicopter participated in the search device that has beaten the area by air, divers of the Special Group of Underwater Activities (GEAS), as there are numerous rafts in the area, and canine units of the Civil Guard, as well as agents of the Local Police and Civil Protection.

The troops of @pcdipalmeria and the dog unit are participating in the search for the missing child in Níjar.
If you have any information about Gabriel Cruz Ramírez call 091 or 062

- Diputación Almería (@dipalme_almeria) February 28, 2018

There are innumerable signs of solidarity in social networks, as well as messages of support for parents who they are living a real nightmare.

The best way to help is by disseminating, so we put our grain of sand spreading your photo and Wishing you appear safe and sound as soon as possible.

🔴 We remind you that Gabriel Cruz Ramírez, 8, has been missing since yesterday in Níjar (Almería). He wears black sport pants with white stripes and a red jacket with a hood. Contact @DSP_tve, @policia or @guardiacivil to give us clues. # Missing6

- Missing (TVE) (@DSP_tve) February 28, 2018

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