Actress Sandra Bullock asks to stop saying "adopted children": they are children, period

A few days ago In Style magazine published an interview with actress Sandra Bullock whose statements about motherhood have been collected by various media. In them, Sandra recriminated those who separated the mothers into two groups: on the one hand the biological ones and on the other the adoptive mothers.

It is not the first time that Mothers of adopted children emphasize this social distinction that often must endure. Not surprisingly, and as we read in the Parents magazine, a company a few years ago organized a contest on the occasion of Mother's Day in which it separated the adoptive mothers from the biological mothers. In this type of situation we can only ask ourselves, Are we not all mothers?

Indiscreet and tasteless questions

We have already spoken several times about indiscreet comments that almost everyone has endured at some point of our life. These comments become even more frequent when we become mothers and fathers, and it seems that everyone has the right to give their opinion and judge our upbringing, our breastfeeding, the sex of our baby or the way we educate our children.

The parents of twins or twins, couples who have suffered a loss, large families, couples who do not have children or who only have one ... All, at one time or another have expressed their discomfort from feeling the center of looks and curious comments.

Adoptive mothers are also not far behind, and recently actress Sandra Bullock (mother of two children of five and eight years adopted in 2010 and 2015) has wanted to raise awareness about the treatment sometimes given to mothers who have decided to adopt :

"Let's talk about these children as" our children. "Do not say" my adopted child. "No one calls a child" child of IVF "or" child conceived without looking for him. "Just say" our children "- has stated in a interview granted to InStyle.

I have friends who have recently become parents after a long adoption process, and on more than one occasion I have witnessed hurtful comments and indiscreet questions that people have asked them with impunity: "¿How much did it cost you the girl?", "Do you know anything about your true mother?", "Did you adopt because you could not have children own? ", "Have you tried before fertility treatments?", "Are you going to tell her that she is adopted?"

Luckily, they have learned to fight the curious with great elegance, but I confess that I have had to bite my tongue on more than one occasion when the questions have been asked in my presence.

And it is incredible what some people are able to ask for the simple fact of satisfying their curiosity. No child should be tagged, and of course no parent should have to be seen in the situation of explain the origin of your child if you do not wantAnd they shouldn't do it if your baby has been conceived through IVF or in any other circumstance.

They are children. And period

And I wonder, what else does a child come from when his parents they receive it with all the love What are they capable of giving? Who are the others to get so freely into the life and decisions of a family?

No mother (or father) should ever feel part of "another group." We are all real, authentic, extraordinary, true, loving mothers… regardless of whether our children were conceived naturally, through assisted reproduction techniques or adopted.

All mothers try to raise and educate our children in the best way we know, and we seek their maximum happiness by giving them all the love in the world. A love that knows no borders, nor understands bureaucracies or genes.

Photos | Gtres

In Jared | Sandra Bullock

Video: Sandra Bullock Had a Crush on Speed Co-Star Keanu Reeves (July 2024).