Three recipes for babies between 9 and 12 months

Between 9 and 12 months of age, your baby can now incorporate more food into his diet. The diet begins to be varied like that of adults, although there are still some foods that should be avoided. You can now alternate and combine several elements, so that your work in the kitchen is facilitated, while helping to maintain your baby's interest in food while reinforcing healthy eating habits. In this period, the dishes are enriched with the benefits of egg, tomato sauce, raw vegetables, fruit compotes and homemade desserts.

We share here three simple preparation recipes for this stage and we remind you that you should consult with the doctor before incorporating any new component to your child's diet.

Cream of zucchini

Peel and cut a zucchini, put it in a pan and cover it with water (if you prefer, you can add a potato). Let it cook for half an hour until it is soft. Once cooked, add a melted cheese, two tablespoons of milk cream and blend the ingredients together with 4 or 5 tablespoons of the cooking water. Once the cream is ready, add it to the noodles that you usually prepare for your child (the letter noodles are ideal!). Tomato Base Sauce

Place a tomato in boiled water for a minute. Remove and peel it, placing it under cold water. Cut it in half, remove the seeds, chop it fine. In a previously heated pan, place a tablespoon of corn oil and a well-chopped onion; Let sauté for two minutes and pour the crushed tomato. Add, if necessary, a tablespoon of vegetable stock. Let cook for 10 minutes over moderate heat. Serve this sauce with processed chicken or meat or with any pasta.

Homemade Egg Flan

Prepare a candy with 125 grams of sugar. Reservation. Beat until homogenizing 3 eggs, 3 yolks, 125 grams of ground sugar, a teaspoon of vanilla essence and half a liter of milk. Pour the preparation into the mold, previously caramelized. Bake in a water bath until a knife comes out clean.

Video: 3 Baby food recipes. 7 to 12 months baby food. Healthy & tasty baby food (July 2024).