Detect stuttering

Occasionally, when the child begins to develop language, it may happen that suddenly and with just cause, speak worse and even stop talking. The causes can be jealousy, nerves for a change in your life, etc. This should not alarm us, the child will express himself normally again.

But it is necessary to pay attention, when this problem is extended and we verify that it is not simply that it is going through a period of normal dysrhythmia, which children usually experience when they learn to speak. It is important detecting your son is stutteringThe sooner it is perceived, the easier it will be to correct your problem.

When the child is one or two years old it is more difficult to realize if he stutters, you have to look for example, if he asks us for things and points them out instead of asking for them (once he knows the words), or if when we ask him we don't respond, even with short answers. When he is older, it is easier to recognize his difficulty with language, he has more or less verbal fluency and when speaking he repeats very quickly a syllable of the word he wants to pronounce, lengthens the vowel sound more than normal, even has Difficulty pronouncing some vowels

There is the so-called "physiological stuttering" that occurs between three and five years, but this stuttering lasts less than six months and no anxiety manifests when speaking, they are only repetitions of a word or a syllable, while the child organizes mentally what you want to say

There are several theories about the causes of stuttering, some suggest that it is genetic, other scientists consider that it could be due to some type of brain anomaly, since it has been shown that in stuttering people, some areas of the brain show alterations at the time of express yourself speaking

The treatment of stuttering should begin as soon as possible, being more effective if it is done before 6 years, so it is necessary to take the child to the speech therapist as soon as there are indications.

Parents must react in a measured manner. Give fair importance to the problem and never get angry with the child, not harass or interrupt him when he wants to talk, let alone tell him that he can't speak. The child needs support and self-confidence, you have to reassure him so that being more relaxed he can express himself better, otherwise he could create anxiety and stress making his healing more difficult.

Video: What CAUSES STUTTERING. .?! Ft. The BitFenix "Say it" Enso (May 2024).