A Christmas Portal.

In Venezuela who brings toys on Christmas Eve is the baby Jesus. You can never see him in the malls with which every child should imagine this tiny being who sneaks on December 24 and leaves the presents under the tree of Christmas. Too bad that every day Santa Claus or Saint Nicholas (as we know him there) despite the heat gain ground in front of the Infant Jesus. I do not know how to move it because it is daring to dress up as Santa Claus with 37 degrees of temperature and yet smile kindly. In Brazil there are rows of "Daddy Noeles" sitting on the sidewalks while drinking brandy waiting to be hired to deliver the toys at family gatherings. Some are rejected for being completely drunk.

This Anglo-Saxon character is called Viejito Pascuero in Chile. On the other hand, in Spain and Mexico, the Magi are in charge of making Christmas for the little ones. Adults and children adore and eagerly await the Three Kings Parade in all Spanish cities. In Honduras on December 25, the Infant Jesus of the Bethlehem disappears from some house, with which from 26 to 30 he goes to his search in the whole neighborhood, until he is found, and in that house where he was found a meeting is held providing attendees hell punch, coffee, cookies, candy, singing songs alluding to Christmas. In Bulgaria you want: Vasel Koleda; Tchesti Nova Godina! (Merry Christmas!).

If you like to know how Christmas is celebrated in other countries, speak Spanish, in Serbia or the Januka you can visit Christmas Latina.com, a very complete Christmas portal. You will find the history of Christmas, Santa Claus, the Kings, recipes for these dates, Merry Christmas in several languages ​​...

For the little ones there are online activities. You can download drawings to color Christmas, stories, poems, music and Christmas carols. The common thing in all cultures is to celebrate as a family, without a doubt the best gift.

Official Website | Latin Christmas

Video: Portal - Carol Of The Turrets (July 2024).