Dads without borders

All children have the right to decent housing, to good food, to a good education and to live in a good environment where love and safety stand out above all. But although these rights are recognized, in many places they don't even exist.

Many NGOs strive every day to ensure that all these rights are fulfilled, an arduous task full of obstacles that try to jump with the greatest hope of helping the little ones. There is an ideal that everyone could apply, do for others what you want others to do for you. We can contribute our grain of sand by collaborating with these NGOs, sponsoring a child, helping to launch long-term projects in the community where the child resides. You can also act as a volunteer, there is an NGO with its project “A journey towards life” that is responsible for bringing to Spain children who suffer serious illnesses for their intervention and medical treatment.

You can welcome one of these children after hospital discharge, you will be a Dad without borders, since the little ones require a period of revisions and temporarily need a family.

There are many NGOs that need us to contribute our grain of sand to their various projects for the improvement of children's rights. Think about it, doing what is possible for them is very rewarding, we should not leave them aside, we can help them within our means.

Video: Fathers Talk About Walking Their Daughters Down the Aisle (July 2024).