Working at night increases the risk of preterm birth

According to researchers from the University of North Carolina (USA), working at night, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, increases the risk of premature birth by 50%.

The study indicates that the night shift disrupts the normal activity of the uterus during this period of the day, which may have more consequences of various kinds for the development of the fetus.

The director of the research and worker at the University of North Carolina, Lisa Pompeii, acknowledged that the study is based on a small investigation, so it is necessary to interpret the results with caution. It also announces that control will be extended in the coming months and more accurate data will be obtained. In this same investigation, they disdained the possibility that jobs in which they stand for several hours or weights of up to 10 kilos are taken, did not show any risk of premature delivery or of giving birth to children of lesser weight.

Although the studies are not conclusive, we hope that the companies that have pregnant workers in the night shift, have the shift to change, we know of several companies that take into account their employees in case of pregnancy, but we are sure that they do not They are all. Do you know any cases?

Video: Cervical Pessary to Prevent Preterm Birth? (July 2024).