Atlas syndrome, the new parents

Times have changed, the mentality has evolved and no doubt the new parents too. They are more playful, sweet and affectionate than before. The evolution that the concept of being a father has suffered has brought many benefits to the new generations of children, although it is also necessary to recognize that some difficulties have arisen so that they are enforced, but this is a lesser evil that is solved with the right path .

In the past the parents were very authoritarian and difficult to access for their children, they showed much less affection and had a hard time playing with their children. The education was quite severe and the boy had a deep respect and some fear for the father figure.

Today, parents enjoy the experience of being parents, are very affectionate and are 100% involved in the education of the child. The new parents demand more of themselves, are complicit in the education and development of their children and, if necessary, show authoritative notes to maintain respect. There is no doubt that the mentality and concept of being a father has changed. According to psychologists, new parents are more available to their children but are also more confused, which makes them develop less self-esteem. The English psychiatrist Tim Cantopher identified the call “Atlas syndrome”, It is a new type of depression that affects new parents. This syndrome is characterized above all by the desire for perfectionism that is pursued, they want to be impeccable parents but without giving up any aspect such as their professional career or hobbies.

When something like this is pursued, all that is achieved is that they become more stressed and suffer the consequences of it. According to Aldo Naouri, a French psychoanalyst and pediatrician, the era of the authoritarian father is over, now the fathers are at the service of the children just as the mothers are. According to this psychoanalyst, parents become another mother and children who are protected by “two mothers” tend to grow up with problems, which we do not agree with, since generally in the education of a child the father and mother complement, what we believe in any case benefits you.

You have to be a father but not exceed perfection, nor overprotect children, it is difficult but you have to learn. It is a wonderful path that must be taken with a great sense of balance for the well-being of the child. A book that we advise to read and that deals with various topics about being parents is “Being parents today”, in this book there are a large number of tips and guides to perform the function of being a father properly.

Video: Parents Explain Gender. Parents Explain. Cut (June 2024).