The pre-pregnancy clauses and the impossibility of conciliating, the discrimination suffered by some athletes in our country

Did you know that among the 16 women's teams of the Iberdrola Soccer League there is no mother? This is because women must accept an anti-pregnancy clause They have to comply if they wish to continue exercising their profession.

But these clauses they don't happen only in football, but also occur in other sports disciplines, causing serious inequalities between women and men athletes. The players ask for help, and claim the need to professionalize the female sport to avoid such situations.

Pregnancy as "practice of poor professional conduct"

Spanish footballers have denounced the existence of anti-pregnancy clauses They must sign and comply if they want to continue exercising their professional career.

Accepting this clause means giving up your right to become mothers, knowing that if they break it, the club could end the contract unilaterally, equating pregnancy to other practices of "poor professional conduct", like doping.

This was explained to the Sixth TV the lawyer specializing in sports law, María José López, who also states that These types of situations do not only occur in football or basketball, but also seen in other sports disciplines.

According to labor legislation, the pregnancy terms are illegal and they exist due to the lack of a regulatory framework that governs women's sport. And this type of clauses also joins the lack of collective agreements, and the existence of working conditions that are far from professional.

Until now, few athletes had dared to denounce the situation publicly for fear of losing their jobs. But today they demand help, and claim the need to professionalize women's sports to match their labor rights to those of their male colleagues.

Some political parties such as Citizens, Podemos or Esquerra Republicana have urged the Government to take urgent measures to ban anti-pregnancy clauses, in addition to improving the working conditions of athletes.

Recently, the Association of Spanish Footballers announced that it would begin negotiations for the first European collective agreement for women's football, which seeks to eliminate this kind of imbalances and inequalities in this sport.

The example of other countries

A couple of months ago, Ajax in Amsterdam published a photograph on their social networks that, unfortunately, is utopian in our country. In it you could see the footballer Chantal de Ridder renewing for the club after his maternity, which took place during last season.

The image of the footballer was accompanied by a strong message: "Yes! Rntal Chantal has renewed his contract! But first ... mom!"

Chantal de Ridder heeft haar contract verlengd!
Maar eerst… mama worden 👶 ♥ ️

- Ajax Vrouwen (@AjaxVrouwen) June 14, 2018
In other countries such as the United States and England, mothers take their children to parties, and in sports rallies and training they can count on babysitters who take care of them while they work.

A clear example is the English Katie Chapman, who has been a mother twice. After four years withdrawal from professional football, taking care of his children and recovering his physical tone, he returned to the national team and even participated in the 2015 Women's World Cup held in Canada.

And is that be an athlete and become a mother not only should it be possible, but also the players should be able to count on measures that favor the reconciliation of professional and personal life.

In this way, situations like those experienced by the UT Tacuense player from Jennifer Lopez, Jennifer López, who ended up abandoning football due to the impossibility of making it compatible with the care of her baby, would be avoided:

"The training was late for the girl, psychologically you have to be very strong, and between missing my daughter and the effort of First, I collapsed little by little until I left him" - he told the newspaper El Periódico.

There is no doubt that it is a great step to have publicly denounced the situation faced by many Spanish athletes, although there is still a long way to go to be able to match us to other countries.

Via La Sexta TV

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