Pregnant smokers are predestining their children to be smokers at an early age

We all know how harmful tobacco is for all people, but in Babies and more we have especially mentioned the problems it can cause in women of childbearing age and the problems it causes to conceive because the uterus is less receptive if it is smoker, it is also more difficult when you have to perform an in vitro fertilization, and let's not say the damage that is caused to the fetus when a future mother smokes during pregnancy.

But in addition to being playing with your present and future health, women who smoke during pregnancy are predestining their children to be smokers at an early age. This is stated by a study conducted by scientists at the University of Queensland after studying more than 3,000 mothers and their children, from pregnancy until the age of 21.

Although it had already been suggested in previous studies that the children of smoking mothers were more likely to be addicted to nicotine, in this study they expanded the research taking into account the different behaviors. They looked at women who had never smoked, who smoked but left after becoming pregnant and smokers before and during pregnancy. The answer was clear, the children of smoking mothers, at age 14 began smoking tripling the rest of young people, and after that age, they were twice the children of smoking mothers who had started the bad habit.

Instead, children of mothers who quit smoking when they became pregnant had the same behavior as children whose mothers had never smoked, scientists suggest that it is as if exposure to nicotine when the baby is in the womb ” Schedule ”future smokers.

The study published in the journal Tobacco Control, also intends to support the many studies and warnings that smoking during pregnancy seriously damages the health of children. But the figures are still alarming, according to the Ministry of Health, about 40% of women do not quit tobacco during pregnancy, honestly, we do not know where they have their head or heart.

Video: Nara Livet 1958 - Ingmar Bergman (July 2024).