How to get them not to get out of bed

When bedtime comes, from when the child goes to bed until he sleeps it can take a long time. The ritual of the walks begins, as I usually call it.

Just put them to bed so that five minutes later they appear asking for a glass of water or the last kiss of good night, they are hot, they are cold, any excuse is good not to be in bed.

With all the patience of the world we take them again and again, however there are times that it is impossible to make them stay in their bed.

I comment some recommendations that may be useful for them to learn to stay in their bed once we put them to bed.

For example, what I usually do with my girl after telling her a story is to tell her that I have to go to order the kitchen, or put on my pajamas and then I'll kiss her again.

Thus, she stays calm in her bed while she waits for me and sometimes she falls asleep. Each night I extend the waiting time a little longer.

In the same vein, I have found a similar reward system in Online Psychology. It consists of placing an alarm clock next to the child's bed and telling him that you will return before it sounds, rewarding him with a reward if he stays in bed, a massage, his favorite dessert the next day, whatever. So, go lengthening the alarm clock.

Finally, make sure that the child has everything he needs for the night, in my case, his story disc playing, a glass of water, a handkerchief and his favorite bear.

Video: How to Wake Up Early - And Not be Miserable (July 2024).