Homosexual men who want to be parents

Opinions do not work, to say that a homosexual couple cannot educate their children as a "traditional" couple has no place and although it is an issue that creates controversy, even the most contrary to homosexual couples being fathers or mothers, must recognize that there are many couples or man-woman marriages that should never have been parents, if they have not lived in their environment, surely they have seen it on television, unfortunately it is seen every day that fatherhood does not understand sex, this It arises from the vocation, from the desire to provide all the best we have to our children.

This is also stated by Luis Rojas Marcos, professor of psychiatry at the University of New York in an El País publication, "there is no physical or psychological reason for a homosexual couple not to be a good father or mother."

But for these couples, especially if they are men, it is not so easy satisfy your need to have biological children, either because of the bureaucracy or the prejudices of society, although we know that the demand for homosexual couples is growing and fortunately we find who answers. A fertility clinic is located in Los Angeles that has launched a comprehensive fertility program for gay men, offering psychological, legal and medical care, donors or rental bellies.

Jeffrey Steinberg, director of Fertility Institutes states that they come to this service from different parts of the country, but also from Italy, Canada, China, Britain, Germany, South Africa and Brazil.

At the moment it has treated 70 couples, it is finishing perfecting the program and the average cost of treatment is $ 60,000, but as in the United States it is legal to select babies, if they want to choose the sex of their child they will have to pay An additional amount.

In the recently publicized program, Steinberg evaluates the health of future parents, ruling out possible infectious diseases and also freezes sperm for six months, naturally also obtains the consent of surrogate mothers. Expect a lot of criticism, but you're sure you can "weather the storm."

Video: Child of lesbian parents opposes gay marriage. ABC News (July 2024).