The protagonists of Disney movies come from non-traditional families

When I was a child I saw Dumbo, I remember the sadness I felt when I saw the little elephant crying while his mother rocked him with his trunk through the bars of a cell; and not even count the death of Bambi's mother killed at the hands of a hunter.

At that time the psychologists did not shout at the sky like when Bimba's father dies in the Lion King. They did not underestimate the ability of children to face adversity.

At my six years Tarzan was simply the ape man, not the symbol of colonialism.

Well, what is all this about ...

I say this because I have read an article which analyzes and leads to the conclusion that the protagonists of Disney films come from non-traditional families. This time there is nothing wrong with it, it does not have a "devastating effect" on the child psyche. It has caught my attention because I had never thought about it before.

Here is a sample of it:

Aladdin: orphan and nomad; commits small crimes to obtain food and shelter. Annie: Orphan adopted by a rich father. The Aristocats: (Marie, Berlioz and Toulouse) three kittens raised by a single mother. Bambi: orphan. Beauty and the Beast: (Belle): mother orphan, raised by her father. Cinderella: from a dead mother, raised by the abusive stepmother and the absent father. Dumbo: lifted by a pressured mother. Hercules: son of gods, adopted by humans Lilo and Stich: orphans, raised by the older sister. Nemo: mother orphan, raised by overprotective father. Pinocchio: wooden toy adopted by Gepetto Sleeping Beauty: his parents transferred custody to 3 fairies. Snow White: dead mother, raised by the abusive stepmother and the absent father.


Video: Why Disney Stopped Making 2D Animated Movies (July 2024).