Healthy Dining Rooms, a website that advises on infant feeding in schools

A new initiative will try to offer various information and criteria related to infant feeding in school canteens, it is about Healthy Eaters a website whose elaboration has been possible thanks to the joint collaboration of the Andalusian Ministry of Health, Education, Equality and Social Welfare and the Andalusian Society of Clinical and Dietary Nutrition.

Advising those who prepare and provide daily food for children who stay in schools to eat, is vital to prevent overweight or obesity, lack of various nutrients and ensure adequate and proper development of children. The professionals and managers of the educational centers also have a special service where they can advise directly on the menu they are offering in the dining room. On some occasions we have spoken in Babies and more about the importance of school canteens and the learning that should be encouraged in them, not only with respect to food, hygiene, sociability, etc., are aspects that children also learn.

On the web we can find sections such as food in children from 0 to 3 years, they inform us about what are the food goals to achieve at this stage. Childhood nutritional needs, energy needs, how meals should be distributed, what vitamins and minerals are most necessary depending on the stage in which the child is, etc.

Healthy dining rooms is an interesting tool that helps parents, teachers, cooks, etc., to achieve a goal to follow, good food and therefore an effective development of children.

Video: Toddler Refuses To Eat Healthy Food. Supernanny (July 2024).