Prevent hypertension in adulthood by reducing salt intake since childhood

The issue of salt consumption in childhood has already been discussed in Babies and more, so, knowing that a moderate consumption of this ingredient provides a better quality of life in adulthood, we are now addressing a study that corroborates it.

The research carried out on more than a thousand English children between 4 and 18 years reveals that reducing salt intake in the children's diet can lower blood pressure in adulthood.

It is necessary to know that there are also those who suffer from hypertension for other reasons that may not be prevented, others, such as sedentary lifestyle, obesity, etc., but also in the case of hypertension due to excess salt consumption, you can avoid The problem before it happens. It is not that childhood hypertension is common, but it can follow a pattern in continuous increase. When the body absorbs an excess of salt, it is not only necessary to think about what is added to the meals we prepare, the processed products that are sold count, most of the time, with an addition of hidden salt and many Sometimes unnecessary. It is the sum of the daily foods that are consumed that can give us an idea of ​​the amount of salt ingested.

The maximum daily consumption of salt is established in children of six years, in three grams, while a child of ten years should not exceed five grams of salt per day. In addition to controlling the addition of salt in our meals, it is necessary to read the labels of the processed foods that we buy, so we can choose the ones that are closest to the needs of our children.

Video: Sodium Reduction: Time for Choice (July 2024).