Most smokers do not quit tobacco during pregnancy

The Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine held a conference in Valladolid these days where it gave data on a survey of 649 pregnant women in which 56% responded that they did not quit tobacco during pregnancy.

Really, I don't understand why a woman keeps smoking when she gets pregnant. VelSid recently told us that certain research done in the United States indicates that in some cases the causes could be psychological, but knowing the damage that the future mother can cause in the baby should forget about tobacco.

But not only her, we always crush the woman. Because if the partner also smokes it is much more difficult for the pregnant woman to quit tobacco. So, in these cases the couple's support is very important.

The survey I was talking about also revealed that more than 80% of pregnant women who quit smoking did it again after birth and 15% during breastfeeding.

The effect of tobacco substances is not only harmful during the formation of the baby, but babies and children who are passive smokers also suffer the consequences of long-term smoking.

The concrete thing is that only 16% of the smokers quit tobacco definitively, although almost all (72% of the respondents) recognize that being a smoker will influence their children to develop the same habit.

As I said at the beginning, I do not understand why a pregnant woman who is informed about the harm of tobacco for the baby in the short and long term continues to smoke. I have smoked myself for some years and it is not so difficult to quit if there is a will, and less so when it comes to benefiting the health of a child.

Video: Stop Smoking : How to Stop Smoking Before Pregnancy (July 2024).