Hammocks for premature babies in Colombia

Some time ago we talked about the kangaroo method that bet on the mother's warmth to benefit the development of the premature baby, a method that emerged in Colombia but later spread to other countries.

Well, it is again from Colombia where we get a curious method for the same purpose. In Cartagena de Indias, a novel technique that began to apply pediatricians as a method to help in the recovery of premature babies. Well, a millennial object is actually being used for the welfare of the little ones: the hammock.

The neonatologist doctor Hernando Torné, explained that the work consists of put a hammock inside the incubator 50 to 60 centimeters where the baby is located, for rest and recovery.

Thus, a "traditional" technique is used in beaches or in the countryside as a therapy for the delicate babies born before the end of the 9 months of gestation. This hammock therapy helps babies relax and sleep more deeply, which contributes to their rapid growth.

In addition, the doctor points out that hammocks prevent lacerations in the skin of children. From this link we can see a video with images of the little ones in the tiny hammocks, and the truth is that they are wrapped in them and very collected, in a way similar to when they were in the womb, so that position It helps them rest better.