The first pregnant

Thomas Beatie feels male and legally he is, but female born.

He is a transsexual from Oregon, United States, who retains his female reproductive organs and has undergone an artificial insemination process thanks to which has become pregnant(How strange it sounds!)

Like you, the story sounds very strong to me, although it does not seem to be a hoax since biologically it is completely possible. As soon as an interview was published in The Advocate magazine, the news began to run like wildfire. To tell the truth, the photos of a person with the appearance of a man and a gut of pregnant women are quite impressive.

He says that he has felt the call of motherhood and his wife could not conceive of a disease, He decided to be himself who carried his son.

He stopped hormone and at four months his body became regular like any woman's. Thanks to a semen bank and artificial insemination and after a failed triplet pregnancy, he got pregnant and is in the process of fifth month of gestation.

The girl who will be born in July will have a father who has gestated and given birth and a mother. Of course, in the future you will not be able to breastfeed the baby because he had previously undergone an operation to remove the breasts.

And if this were not enough, in four months Thomas will become the first "man" to give birth. I've run out of words, I don't know what to think, what do you think? That despite feeling a man his body allows him to be a mother and has every right, or on the contrary that is the beginning of the degeneration of motherhood?

Video: Pregnant Robot Gives Birth: Tech Meets Medicine (July 2024).