How to increase the chances of pregnancy

It is true that in some cases pregnancy occurs quickly, almost as if by magic, "at first", as it says. But in many other cases, I would say that in the majority, the task is not so simple. The factors that influence the conception of a baby are very varied and very variable, depending on a lot of circumstances. There are some that we cannot control but others that we can. We will talk next about the latter.

If you are thinking of having a baby, after following the advice on how to prepare for pregnancy, you should know that there are certain techniques that if you put into practice correctly they can help you increase the chances of getting pregnant. Take note:

● The first and very important thing is recognize the fertility cycle of women. Identifying the days of maximum fertility is key to getting pregnant.

There are several ways to get it:

  1. The ovulation calendar: we have presented in the blog several ways to create a fertility calendar to record the days when you are most likely to get pregnant. Keeping track of menstrual cycles is essential to locate the fertile period. It helps a lot for women to have regular periods, which are repeated every month with the same frequency (between 28 and 32 days).

  2. Billings method: it is a form of natural fertility regulation that does not require any type of rhythmic counting, temperature taking, drugs or devices. It is based on the observation of vaginal secretions. Depending on its color and consistency, it teaches the woman to identify her days of maximum fertility through the cervical mucus even if she does not have regular menstrual cycles.

  3. Syntothermal method: it is also a natural method based on the variation of the woman's body temperature. Taking the basal temperature every morning at the same time rectally or orally for 5 minutes, ovulation occurs during the days when an increase of between 2 and 5 tenths is noted. It is recommended to do it for two or three months prior to recognize your own variations.

  4. You can always resort to fertility control devices such as ovulation tests capable of detecting the period of ovulation through the increase of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) in the woman's urine.

● Once the most fertile days are identified, another very important aspect is when to have sex to favor conception.

Specialists recommend having relationships one day before and one day after ovulation. Making love every day or several times a day does not imply a greater chance of getting pregnant and sometimes only causes a deterioration of sperm quality. The ideal frequency is every 2 or 3 days considering that sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 72 hours.

● How to make love also influences. The sexual positions are very important. Of course, there are logical reasons that make standing positions or those in which the woman is above the man are not the most appropriate for a matter of gravity.

The goal is for sperm to penetrate as close as possible to the cervix. The primary rule is that. The game can be very fun and varied but to achieve pregnancy that basic premise must be fulfilled. One of the most effective sexual positions is the classic position of the missionary (the woman below and the man above), although that of the prayer (the man behind or above the woman) and lying sideways with the man behind the woman also They favor deep penetration.

● There are also little tricks that we have given at the time, which are not scientifically proven, but say they help and not much is lost by putting them into practice. They are, for example, placing a pillow under the hip to raise the pelvis or lying down for an hour after making love to facilitate the sperm's journey to the ovum.

● Last but not least, it is the advice of taking the pregnancy search with peace of mind and patience, not as a career. As I said before, there are many factors that influence conception (age, stress), including emotional ones. It is not a mathematical rule, so keep in mind that obsessing is counterproductive It results in frustrations. It is normal for a healthy couple to be looking for pregnancy naturally for a year or a year and a half, sometimes even up to two years.

Video: Fertility Advice for Women: Dr. Sanjay Agarwal (July 2024).