Women who quit smoking during pregnancy resume their habit after childbirth

Smoking is a hard habit to quit. In fact it is estimated that only between 10 and 20% of people who try to quit smoking succeed.

Pregnant women have a strong reason to quit smoking beyond their own health. Smoking during pregnancy is related to ectopic pregnancies, placental problems and low birth weight.

According to the American Cancer Society, the possible reasons related to health are sufficient reasons for pregnant women to quit, even if only temporarily.

45% of pregnant women manage to end the habit of smoking during pregnancy only using their "will" (patches or gum nicotine are totally discouraged during this period), no doubt, good news for the mother and the fetus The bad news is that the stress of motherhood often causes them to resume the habit. 80% of those who win the battle against tobacco, start smoking again within one year of giving birth. Postpartum depression, stress, difficulty losing weight are factors that have been associated with smoking again.

This pattern of retaking the habit, is also common in those who have abandoned tobacco. Mothers do our best to protect our children's health, but sometimes we forget to take care of our own health.

Quitting smoking is an act of willpower. Health professionals are thinking that new moms who smoked before pregnancy need special help after childbirth to prevent them from taking cigarettes to meet the demands of motherhood.

Video: Insidermedicine In Depth - July 11, 2011 (July 2024).