The use of computers to learn more and better

Some time ago we were talking about the Mátic project carried out by Toshiba and the La Salle Bonanova nursery school in Barcelona in which each three-year-old boy is endowed with a tablet PC to use in class.

They have prepared a study with 52 children on the use of new technologies in the learning of young children and the results are spectacular. Definitely, technology favors learning.

84.6% of students who have used PC tablets completed the quarter assessment in mathematics with a remarkable score (7 or more over 10) compared to 57.7% of students in the ordinary class.

In addition, the level of improvement and personal evolution of students who have used technological tools has been more notable.

Another advantage is that the classes have been more effective with the help of technology, since the children who used the laptops performed four times more exercises while the teachers cut the time for explanation and correction in half.

Regarding the grades, the students made an initial and a final evaluation of mathematics. Those who used laptops increased the average from 3.4 to 8.5 while ordinary class students only went from 4.7 to 6.9 points.

There is no doubt that a new way of learning is coming. Our children were born in the digital age and therefore, learning tools are consistent with their time. As I said at the time, I do not think it replaces life-long materials (plasticine, pencils, colors) but adds a new, more advanced variant.

Via and photo | Noticiasdot In Babies and more | Tablet PC to teach 3 year olds

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