Sextuplets were born in Germany

Assisted reproduction treatments cause multiple births to be increasingly common. Although they are not born six at once every day, it is increasingly common, while 20 years ago it was something absolutely extraordinary. In the three years of Babies and more we have echoed at least 6 sextuplets birth announcements.

The last one happened in Berlin, in which four girls and two boys were born with 27 weeks of gestation and weighing between 800 and 900 grams. It is a pity that in the photo we can only see three.

At the moment their health status is good and stable, although they must remain admitted at least five weeks and then evaluate if the worst has passed, since about 30% of premature babies born with a weight less than a kilo have subsequent sequelae .

Although premature babies are increasingly likely to get ahead, being born before term has its consequences. Among others, that premature babies have respiratory problems and some, as in the case of sextuplets, cannot be fed from the mother's breast (although with breast milk) because they are not able to suck.

We hope that the six little ones manage to overcome the difficulties during these weeks and that they can grow up healthy and happy.

Video: Great expectations: Giving birth in Germany. Journal Reporters (July 2024).