A girl regains vision thanks to stem cells

Little Dakota, two years old, has been able to see the light thanks to a novel operation in Europe. The girl has regained vision thanks to stem cells. He suffered from his birth an optic dysplasia, a rare disease that causes a deficiency in the development of the optic nerve.

The girl's family resorted to the most modern treatments in Britain without finding hope for her. They finally discovered that these patients were being operated on in China with a novel technique, unknown in their country. They made collections to achieve the 30,000 pounds that this treatment has cost them.

Dakota was operated by a technique developed by American laboratories and applied in several Chinese hospitals. In the operation they were injected stem cells from the umbilical cord in the bloodstream of diseased nerves. And his condition has miraculously improved. The affected cells have regenerated. This treatment has only been applied to 15 people worldwide, so it is considered experimental. British doctors claim that these results may not be permanent and that this process has not been sufficiently tested. However, doctors who have operated in Dakota say they will publish the results of the experience in order to explain the safety of this technique.

The little girl already get to see contours, colors and lights. If life has changed completely. You can already walk without going hand in hand with anyone and your balance has improved a lot.

Her mother, in the interview given, explains her emotion when the girl has recently begun to identify and name objects in everyday life. The joy of his mother to hear him say "brush" while holding a hairbrush is something that will have made it worth having hope.

Stem cell treatments are advancing with greater momentum and are one of the greatest hopes of healing or improvement for thousands of patients. Until now it seemed that the only source of research is the use of frozen embryos and this involved a very intense ethical debate.

However, today it is known that it is possible to find stem cells in baby teeth, amniotic fluid, cell reprogramming and also in breast milk, so the possibilities of research are greater than ever. Maybe soon many other children can see or cure from terrible diseases thanks to stem cells.

Video: VIDEO: Blind man gains vision after limbal stem cell transplant surgery (July 2024).