Exercises to lose weight and get in shape with your baby that will make it easier for you

After the birth of your baby, you may have left a few extra pounds with all the changes your body experienced during pregnancy. In addition to exercising is something that is always recommended, with or without children, after childbirth it is good to continue doing so to get all its benefits.

As we know that after childbirth, what you have less is free time to do it, one way to activate is to exercise with your baby. We share some exercises to lose weight and get in shape with your baby that will make it easier for you.

Advantages of exercising with your baby

If you want to get in shape, but you don't have time to do it because you want to take advantage of every moment to spend more time with your baby, the ideal solution for not having to choose between one and the other is to exercise with him.

In Babies and more Weight loss after childbirth: a plan to return to your weight that works

But besides being able to do both at the same time, exercising with your baby has other benefits. For example:

  • You strengthen the bond with your baby, when doing the exercise an activity in which they can also connect and that is exclusive to both.
  • Exercise becomes something fun and special, since you share that experience with one of the little people you love most.
  • You can get in shape without neglecting or moving away from it, which it will give you greater peace of mind, avoiding that feeling of guilt that sometimes invades us mothers.
  • When exercising, you will activate and feel better about yourself, which will make you perform better during the day and therefore, take better care of your baby.
  • It will make your day betterWell, you won't have to set aside time separately to exercise.

Exercises to lose weight and get fit with your baby

Although exercising with the baby is an excellent option, we must bear in mind that not all routines or ways of getting fit are suitable for doing it with him. That's why we share some exercises that you can do with your baby, while you lose weight and get fit.

Yoga with baby

From my point of view, one of the exercises that best suits the lifestyle of mothers is yoga. Even from pregnancy, we can take it into practice quarter by quarter, as it helps us prepare for childbirth, and after this it is one of the most recommended to begin exercising gently and gradually.

In Babies and more 15 yoga poses to do with your children

You can start by doing 15-minute yoga routines at home, in which you integrate your baby to the exercises, or, that he is lying close to you.

Pilates with baby

Another excellent option that we can do after delivery to get fit and that can include our baby is the pilates. Through gentle exercises and with little equipment, we can perform a routine at home accompanied by our babies.

In Babies and morePilates with your baby: postpartum exercise program

Running or fast hike

Exercising with a baby does not imply that we always have to stay at home to exercise. If the weather allows it and they are both in good condition, they can go outside to exercise, using the stroller as your ally.

You can start with a light walk (or moderate to fast if you were already used to exercise) and then increase the intensity a little until you do running, which will help you a lot to lose weight. You only need the right stroller: it is of light structure and large wheels.

Static cardio

We can realize gentle aerobic exercise or cardio without leaving home, using devices such as the exercise bike, the elliptical or the treadmill (which also allows us to perform different routines on it), and that are also good options to lose weight after delivery.

These options of static cardio They are exercises in which you can vary the intensity to suit your abilities, but they will activate you enough so that you can lose weight, and they will also allow you to be with your baby while he plays on the floor or rests near you.

In Babies and more Exercising with the baby: a special and practical experience

Full body routines at home

Finally, another option to exercise with your baby, are the routines to work the whole body And what can you do in the comfort of your living room. On YouTube you can find several examples of routines that you can do with your baby at home, and that can adjust to your times and the areas that you are interested in working.

Even in some of them, your baby can help you, doing the weight function, to exercise your muscles or to add some impact to certain exercises such as squats and arm exercises.

General recommendations before starting

Regardless of whether you exercised or not before your pregnancy, you must respect the quarantine and wait for your doctor to give you directions to start exercising without any problems or risk that you can get hurt while doing it.

Once you have permission from your doctor, start gradually, so you avoid hurting yourself. Remember that every change takes time, so do not hurry or press to lose weight immediately. The most important thing is to be constant, patient and enjoy this fun way of exercising: accompanied by your baby.

Video: Dr. Oz's Fix for Back Fat in Women (July 2024).