First twins born by reimplantation of ovarian tissue after cancer

Women who, after having overcome a cancer, wish to become a mother have more and more possibilities thanks to the new techniques that are being developed, such as ovarian tissue freezing.

A few months ago we announced on the blog the first pregnancy in Spain of an oncological patient who has had her own ovarian tissue implanted before undergoing chemotherapy treatment to cure breast cancer.

A team from the Doctor Peset hospital together with the Valencian Institute of Infertility has managed to make Pilar's dream come true, a 39-year-old woman who has just been the mother of the world's first twins born thanks to this novel technique that combines tissue extraction and vitrification.

The technique consisted of removing healthy ovarian cortex 3 years ago (where the ovules are found) before being subjected to the aggressive cancer treatment that would leave it sterile and freeze it.

Once recovered, her own ovarian tissue was reimplanted to recover her hormonal function, ovulation was stimulated and in vitro fertilization was carried out.

The first time no results were achieved and the second one successfully transferred two fertilized embryos that today are two beautiful babies that have just been born in week 34 of gestation.

Undoubtedly, stories like Pilar's bring high hopes to women who don't want to give up their dream of being mothers for cancer.

Video: Genetic Test Allows Doctors to Scan for Strongest Embryos (July 2024).