Donating breast milk benefits many babies

Sounds redundant that we say that breast milk is the best food for the newborn. But that's how it is. There are women who for various reasons cannot breastfeed their babies, that's why Breast milk donation is a solution that benefits hundreds of children.

There are currently two milk banks in Spain, one opened in 2001 in the Balearic Islands and another in the Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid that has been in operation for less than two years.

We have known the data offered by the Madrid hospital according to which since it opened in December 2007 329 babies They have benefited from donated breast milk.

The figures indicate that 941 liters of altruistically donated milk have been received from more than 147 women who after being pasteurized and stored 624 liters have been offered to infants admitted to Neonatology who received the milk for an average of 9.95 days.

75% of premature infants admitted with a weight less than 1,500 grams or born with less than 32 weeks of gestation have received this milk. After very premature babies, the protocol establishes that babies with heart disease, abdominal pathologies undergoing surgery and those whose own mother cannot breastfeed have priority.

Although more breast milk banks are still needed in Spain so that more children can benefit from it, it is good news to know that many children have received it.

If you are interested in donating milk, in a previous post we have commented who and how you can be a donor of breast milk.

Video: A Life Saving Donation (July 2024).