Free unlimited flights for the baby born on a plane

It is not the first time that we bring to our pages a birth in full flight, because we already told you the case of a woman who gave birth in a British Airways plane. But in this case we have that the airline on whose plane the birth occurred has decided give free tickets for life to both baby and mom.

Good news for them, no doubt, but better news is that, after premature birth at 27 weeks gestation, both baby and mom are fine. The incident took place on an Air Asia company flight between Penang and Kuching, in Borneo, when the woman went into labor by surprise, which caused the plane to attempt an emergency landing in Kuala Lumpur.

The baby did not want to wait, and thanks also to the fact that there was a doctor among the passengers who helped in the delivery, everything went well and he moved mother and son to a hospital, where they have been recovering, especially the baby, which still requires a special follow-up for its prematurity but that evolves favorably.

We are not aware that there has been a similar "prize" on another flight, but we did realize that a small girl born in the restaurant car of a train in Portugal was going to enjoy free travel on the trains of the train throughout her life. Portuguese railway company.

Good gifts, no doubt, and after the initial "scare" sure mother and son will be delighted with the unlimited free flights for having starred in this birth on the plane.

Video: Flying with a 4 month old BABY. Her first flight (July 2024).